Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hey Everyone! monday night went great!! ..I came over to Aarons to watch the "unamed" band consisting of Tery,Dick,Derek jam it up.. good times!! We ended up having a good jam at the end.. both me and Derek were on the we have 2 kits in the jam room here right now.. then it was Tery,Dick,Aaron on the Axe' was super fun!! and everyone agreed the full sound of it all was really kool.

Now for yesterday.. so I ended up crashing the night here at Aarons. We did our coffee run downtown and came back to try to record another song or 2. I ended up calling Matt over to re-do a couple of the songs him and I layed down last week.. after hearing them back I just wasnt content. So the good news is we've re-done 1 of the 3 songs I want re-done.

Today im not too sure of what will happen.. because Brian and Bruce have the day off work today.. so Tery,Bruce,Brian,Aaron are talking about having a Hellaluah jam here tonight.. also Parker of Black Frost and our friend Chris "The Edge" are coming down to Miramichi from Moncton I may or may not be able to convince Aaron to record today... but im up for it as I just woke up..and feel pretty good!!! i'll report back soon.. take care everyone!!

Mike \m/


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