Thursday, August 31, 2006


Hey folks!!!

I got rained out yesterday.. but the great news is ..I now have an Yvons Gym endorsement!!!

Yvon came to me yesterday while I was setup on the street. Cynthia was also downtown with me again..selling her 50/50 squares =) .Yvon was approached by my great friend Dirk Stewart and whatever Dirk said really made sense to Yvon.. so now..ive got free membership until I leave for LA in January!!! Im REALLY excited to see what my potential is once I have personal trainers/dieticians within my reach!!!

So thats the news for now.. stay tuned.. stay well.. and stay in touch!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome. w00t!

I definately need to join the gym. O_o

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats what friends are for brother Machine.
Sting says Giver On The River!

2:47 PM  

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