Thursday, March 30, 2006

Picture Time At The Apollo Part.2!!

Click the pics to enlarge them!! Hope you like em!!


Pictures Say 1000 Words

So This is "Castle Grey Skull II" ..Hope you like what you see!!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Road Warrior!!!


Well I did good today!! While I was out with a friend.. I managed to score 6!!!! Military cases!! They're all used cases..but the fact theyre army grade materials proves their road worthy. I scored 4 ammo boxes for various music gear.. 1 smaller ammo box for my microphones.. and 1 large case that was used by the navy.. its very awesome!! I scored all 6 for $130!! haahahahah!! I couldnt believe it.. I also cant afford it.. ive got debts that take priority.. but this was something I couldnt pass up. Now all I need is flight grade cases for the shells/cage ..someday i'll have them.

After I played with the new toys a bit.. I smashed on the kit for 2 hours.. im pretty tired today..but it was fun as hell to be on the kit.. now im off to the jam room for arranging/taking pictures of the set ups ..kit/jam room.. i'll be uploading them by tommorow.. stay tuned! and stay happy!!!


Dont Worry!! Be Happy!!

Hey Everyone,

Last Night wasnt overly productive musically. I spent about 3 hours arranging the jam room to have more of a studio atmosphere. I then went to a family gathering at Gene & Tara's house.. and I must admit.. they prove to me that it is possible to be happily committed to someone. Someday I hope to be as Cheers to them both for leading by such a great example!!

I then went out with my friends for the night.. didnt return home til about 3am..but it was good times. Today has started with a bit of house work and the normal duties. I was just invited out for a coffee..and MAN is it ever a nice day out.. so while im on U.I. im gonna soak it up!! Working nights for 5 LONG years really made me forget how happy the sun makes me feel... so off I go.. i'll report back later.

My MSN isnt working..nor is hotmail.. so if anyone wants me.. just drop a line to me here!!

Wishing everyone the best.. this is Les Nesman Signing off!!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Forever Friggin

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was a great day overall.. I spent the mornin/early afternoon with a close friend. I applied for work as a labourer at a peat moss plant in the afternoon.. wish me luck!!. The job is seasonal!! this means i'd be able to have winter lay offs every year!!! ..thats ideal when you're pursuing a dream like music.

Later in the afternoon I came back home to train.. I worked out some on the weights and practised on the kit for 2 hours. I then had a supper break and then put another hour on the kit/weights. I was invited to go out for a cruise around I went for it.. it was good times.. when I got back home I started arranging my jam room to make it more of a studio setting.. im making due with what I have.. someday i'll be self-reliant.

The room is still in need of about 2 hours work.. so that'll be tackled today. I'll also be starting to record the Black Frost CD today..that should consume the day..and pictures will also be taken today.. so stay tuned!!


Monday, March 27, 2006

...Train Roll On!!

Hey Hey!

..Well last night Nan passed on.. She was 92 and lived a full/happy life. R.I.P!!!!

Today starts at 9am.. ive made a call to a friend to go out for a cruise.. the sun is shining strong im gonna go out for abit.. i'll be back around noon today to take pictures of the set up..and then i'll be setting the jam room up for Recording the Black Frost cd.. if anyone is interested.. im looking forward to training hard today.. i'll keep ya's posted!!

\m/ Mike

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What Is The Secret Of Life You Ask???


That is the BIG secret. "We must become the change we wish to see in the world" is one of my most cherished quotes right now. I had a hard day yesterday.. but thats life.. HARD as fuck!!!

I said my good-byes to my dying grandmother.. one of the most beautifal ppl ive ever known.

I then went to a FATKAT party.. a "chili-cook off" ..was really awesome!!! met about 25 new ppl and theyre all wicked ppl!! GOOD ppl.. thats important to me now..more than ever before. With that in mind..ive deleted EVERY online account that I had. I just cant give the impression im willing to date anyone when im hopelessly in love. So instead of being my social self..I stayed in for the night.. Drank tonic water (which is AMAZING for muscle rejuvination!!) ..and listened to music. '

This mornin I awoke at 9 am.. thanks for the emails everyone! ..its nice to be cared for!! Ive spent the last 4 hours doing housework.. the house I reside in is horribly neglected and im doing my best to CHANGE that.. so for the rest of today.. i'll be working out on the weights and on the also hoping to take pictures by the end of today. I promised a friend that id go for coffee tonight..i'll be switching to Tea now for health reasons.. (Teeth/Guts). So thats it for today folks.. feel free to drop a comment..

Carpe Diem!! (Sieze The Day)


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Keep On Keepin On!!

Yesterday I finally finsihed getting CGS II back up and ready for some serious smashing sessions. I'll be snapping pics asap.. also Ive uploaded a new audio sure to check it out!!


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mr Clean

Cpt's Log.. Star Date 2006.

..Castle Grey Skull II is finally clean and ready for action.. im now off to tune/adjust the kit.. i'll be spending tonight cleaning cymbals and arranging the jam room for recording use.. wish me luck..

Carpe Diem!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Call Of The Cougar!!

Hey Everyone,

I spent yesterday with friends..but I did record a song for the band "Li'l Bastard" called "The Cougar". Its a song I wrote while I was in the band as Lead Axe Handler. I perform all guitar lines for this i'll be uploading it asap for everyone to hear.. its not overly impressive or relfective of my limits on an Axe..but its a sample. I spent alot of time still cleaning the kit today and also spent some time working on the double kicks.. stay tuned for tommorows entry!!


Monday, March 20, 2006

All Work & No Play = No Way!!

Hey Folks..

I spent the weekend being social.. today im finishing up the cleaning of CGS II but im also re-positioning the entire kit 1 piece at a time.. so I dont expect to be back up and smashing til wednesday. This week I'll be starting recording the new Black Frost CD. is our website address.. currently doing draft takes for Conrad Simons next Cd titled "The Wrath Of Con" can buy his demo threw ..its my most cherished project right expect to be amazed!! off to finish cleaning/ I hope all is well for you kats!! Stay Tuned!!


Friday, March 17, 2006

"Eyes To See"

Mike And The Machine Dec'05

"You Cant Escape Your Destiny"

Hey Everyone!

Well Yesterday was a long day.. I spent 6 hours cleaning drums and inhaling all those lovely chemicle smells.. im still facing about 15 hours of cleaning.. loving it tho to be honest.. this is just a taste of my dream to open a drum shop!!

BIG news finally came for me yesterday.. its not been set in ink yet..but ive confirmed interest with agent Kendal Mcswain of Talent Plus based out of P.E.I ..

Aside from that.. I got bad news aswell.. one of my dearest/best friends has dropped the bomb that he is relocating within the next 6 months if not sooner fredericton.. he has been my biggest asset where recording is im VERY scared of what my future holds without his generous help around.. looks like im gonna have to win the lotto real soon..

Today I plan on putting in as much time finishing the cleaning of "Castle Grey Skull II" ..wish me luck!!

Smash Hard!! Stay Happy!!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

"We Must Become The Change We Wish To See In The World"

Ok Folks..

So yesterday I spent 4 hours cleaning "Castle Grey Skull II" yet only cleaned 4 drums in total...I also put in 2 solid hours of metronome training. It was a productive day Musically. Today I intend of finishing the cleaning of "CGS II" even if it consumes the entire day. Feel free to leave your comments for me.. im ALWAYS looking to hear feedback and im ALWAYS looking to hear from serious musicians. So thats the plan for today folks.. livin the dream!!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hey Hey!!

Hi Everyone!!

Mike "Machine" Mallais here!! ..Id like to thank you for checking out my Blog!! Feel Free to follow the links I have posted and be sure to leave your comments!!

Carpe Diem!!




First post to the Mike Machine Blog! Look at the logo! YEAH!