Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mike Miramichine!! HaHa!!

Hey everyone,

Buskin in the streets has been awesome!! Friday I played on Water st in Chatham again.. 10am-4pm. I made the Moncton Times on Friday!! The article was great!! except in one section the reporter stated "Mallais was recently turned down for three-month tour on MetalBlade Records" ..which isnt right.. I turned THEM down.. but oh well.

Today I spent buskin in front of Sobeys in Douglastouwn and it was great!! VERY hot!!! but Great no less!!. Thanks to Joey for the support!!! ..also thanks to Ed for driving me to/from!! and also to Connie and Paul for all the help!!

Ive just found out that my U.I. claim is now done. So looks like buskin is my only income right now. Trinity Sounds hasent called me for work in weeks.. it sucks. But hey..buskin seems to be doing ok.. but the fact trying to raise money to get to California.. not survive.. oh well.. i'll do what I can. Im also taking on students for Drumming lessons soon.. I need the money..they need the lessons.. so we'll see.

Thanks again to everyone for your support!! I'll post pics of these events soon!!



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