Pictures From The Rock'N'Roll Festival Saturday..
Hey Folks.. I'll have to make a few entries here cause ive got alot of pictures for you guys..and I guess there is a limit to how many I can upload in 1 post.
The pics you're seeing here are from saturday's events that I worked. I also took some snap shots of a car I'd LOVE to own.. "1BADWGN" ..all black.. large enough for "most" drummers.. mmmm very nice. The days events went really well.. but I ended up missing 1 of our tear downs.. Im SORRY Brian and Dave.. I still feel like shit for that.. it was a mistake.. but outside of that.. things went well.. I was DAMN tired tho.. lately my energy levels are at an all time low.
Ive got a few days off work unexpectedly..we're all burning out.. so its great to have time to myself right now. Im sorry to anyone who has been calling/messaging.. but im just not feeling up to being social right now.. i'll catch up with everyone when im feeling rested.
Ive been devoting as much time around the house as possible.. so much to do..yet so little time/energy. Im still working on the new kit arrangement..and in between making time for smashin. Ive been tracking my should be here my Monday/Tuesday.. so im really excited about having a chance to BREAK the WORLD record for Fastest Foot Singles in 60 seconds. Also i'll be using the Drumometer to build control in the tempos I still hope to build upon.
So i'll keep everyone updated as much as I can.. but dont expect alot of effort right now.. im just trying to gather my strength and chill out. So stay well everyone.. thanks for stopping by.. and Smash on!!! \m/
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