Thursday, August 31, 2006


Hey folks!!!

I got rained out yesterday.. but the great news is ..I now have an Yvons Gym endorsement!!!

Yvon came to me yesterday while I was setup on the street. Cynthia was also downtown with me again..selling her 50/50 squares =) .Yvon was approached by my great friend Dirk Stewart and whatever Dirk said really made sense to Yvon.. so now..ive got free membership until I leave for LA in January!!! Im REALLY excited to see what my potential is once I have personal trainers/dieticians within my reach!!!

So thats the news for now.. stay tuned.. stay well.. and stay in touch!!!


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

People are surprising!!!

Hey everyone!

Just stopping in to let everyone know im alive and well!!!

The weekend was awesome for me. I spent most of it working on the Crestar kit.. cleaning/changing heads. Its almost ready for smashin now.. some tuning and it'll be ready.

Yesterday was my first day back on the street since saturday.. and it went great!!! ..the day started off with a great surprise from my friend Cynthia..she put together a 50/50 draw for me..and came downtown and sold squares all day with me!! ..for me!!! ..what a sweetheart!!! The support I get from some ppl.. some days.. WOW.

I played til 4pm yesterday..and then I hung out with Kevin,Cyn,Noonan for abit..chilled out. Then I came home and worked on my drums again til about 9pm.. after that I just stuck around the house.. even tho I was invited out.. by the time I showered n stuff.. it would've been too late to be out.

So I guess thats it for now folks. Today has started wonderfully!!! ..I got to wish someone a great day.. and that effort was returned =) ..(when you read this.. you'll know who you are).. and i'll flat out admit its made me feel GREAT!!!

So now I just took my daily off to shower..make breakfast.. and then head out for another day of smashin on the street. Water street to be if you're reading this today.. get your ass downtown and come see me haha =)

Til next time gadget!!!


Sunday, August 27, 2006

On & On & On & On &...

Heyyyyy ppl!!!

So lets try to recap on the last week.. this is why I wish I could make entries once a day!! haha. I'll do my best to remember it all.. if I forget something.. so be it.

The week went by REALLY fast for one thing.. I just never stop these days. Some of the highlights from this week have been things like being in the Moncton Times & Transcript newspaper yesterday (Saturday)..they did a follow up article on my progress with getting to LA..check it out if ya's can get a copy!!!

Thursday was pretty lax.. even tho I went to the store to jam.. I ended up just cleaning/working on putting Humpty Dumpty (the street kit) back together again. The electronic kit is fun..and I appreciate having the lend of it.. but its just not the same for me.. so im back to using real drums again.

Friday was one hell of a long haul for me. I jammed on the street from 10am-4pm .. then I came home and made myself supper.. then at 8pm I went out with Ed for coffee..which was fun.. and then around 9:30pm I went to Dooly's for the jam session. I stayed there til about 1am.. thennn I had to go cover a shift for my father at his work. So I worked that shift til about 4am.

Then Saturday came.. and by 10am I was up and going over to Sobeys to jam out. I played from about 11-5pm.. by this time I was hungry,cold,tired.. but lovin it at the same time.. I LOVE DRUMMING!!! =) after all that.. I came home to mom having supper ready for me.. im so spoiled!!! ..I ate.. and then I crashed hard.. I was also honestly dealing with some emotions aswell.. so I needed the nap.. just to shed some skin... But when I got up.. to my surprise.. she always seems to know when im really in need of her support and pulls threw before I walk away. So that just made things alot better.. to know she still cares how I am is a huge deal to me. Unfortunately while chatting.. I had to take off in a hurry..cause Ray showed up looking to hang out.. so I had to go before I could explain why I was acting "odd" towards her. I also had an invitation to go down to Rikki Smiths to help celebrate his 37th B-day.. but as explained..I was just too tired inside and out to be social.. but I hope he had a blast without me!!! I went out for about 2 hours last night.. but that was it.. I wasnt up for being out late.

So there ya have it folks.. its now sunday morning.. and im about to shower and make my breakfast. I promised myself I would take today/tommorow off from the kit.. to recharge.. so im not sure what i'll end up doing today. Cleaning is a good idea tho.. so i'll probably be home all day doing that stuff. Hope everyone is doing great ..and thanks again to ALL of you for your insane support!!!

Mike \m/

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Hey Everyone!!!

Sorry its been a few days.. but this blog wasnt letting me upload those great pictures you're seeing. They're shots taken from when I hung out with Ricky,Stephan,Brian down at Rick's house. Great guys.. as you can see.. I bring out the animal in most ppl hahahah ..we jammed for the afternoon..and had a blast!! ..I rocked Rick's Roland TD-12 kit for abit.. its a nice toy =)

Monday was great.. I busked downtown for the day.. and then spent supper time working on re-heading the Crestar kit. I spent all this weekend working on it.. changing heads/cleaning chrome/shells.. its VERY tedious.. but it has to be done. I went out later in the night for a coffee with my buddy Ed.. which was great!!

Tuesday..same deal kinda.. except I only played for half the day..cause the rains were I packed it in early. Tuesday night was spent hangin out with Bruce,Mark,Marc,Matt,Brad all night.. I had a blast with the guys!!! Bruce is moving soon.. so some hang out time was in order.

Today.. well..I took today off from buskin.. im not only a little tired.. but the kit is STILL not up and running.. ive spent allllllll afternoon on them tho.. so its ALMOST done.. 2 floor toms left... and then I gotta clean the entire kit up.. spic/span!!!

So thats sums it up for the last few days.. things are good.. things are coming along.. im supported by my friends WAY too much to complain.. Thanks everyone!!!

..Ok.. now down to business.. DRUM LESSONS are now available from me. For $150 bucks.. i'll hook you up with (1) pair of Los Cabos Drumsticks (1) Metronome (1) Remo Practise Pad (3) hours of lessons from yours truly. Anyone who is interested can contact me here.. or @ ..send me msgs threw myspace even.. or you can stop into Salt Water Sounds located on Water St. Chatham ..not hard to find..its on the left. Hope to be a help to anyone interested.. satisfaction GAURANTEED!!!


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Time to play!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!

Well it seems I have an entire week to report to you guys.. sorry I have been slack about being online.. but I just dont have much time for it right now. I'll try my best to remember all the great things that have happened this week tho.

So lets see.. Monday I didnt play downtown as Pauls store is closed on Mondays...instead I spent the day working out and cleaning..and then hanging out with friends. Tuesday I played all day downtown.. and it rocked. Wednesday.. again I played downtown and was joined by Kevin,John,Dirk!! We rocked the street!! Thursday they came down again and joined me ..its been really fun having the company!!! Friday I only played half the day.. I took a small road trip with Dirk.. but last night we jammed at doolys almost right til closing time!! It rocked!!

Im not sure what happened on what day.. haha.. but I wanna thank Ricky Smith for lending me his Roland electronic drums!!! I now have electronic drums for the street!! And I wanna thank Dirk for making me those great business cards!! The support im getting is unreal!!!

On thursday.. Aimee Barry from the Moncton Times newspaper did a follow up story on me.. but it hasent been in the paper yet from what ive seen.. it might be in todays(saturday) so look for it if ya's can!!!

Today I decided to take off.. I could/should be at Sobeys in D-town playing.. but ive decided to give myself the rest of the weekend off.. no playing.. no partying.. no nothin..leaving myself to work on the things that matter most.

So thats it I guess for now folks.. I'll upload some new shots soon.. and thanks again to all of you for your support!!!

Oh..and DJlivinlarge.. thanks for the offer to come play SJ.. but right now I dont have the transportation needs that it would require.. but again.. THANKS for your support!!!


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Win some..Lose some..

Hey Everyone!!

Well friday nights jam was really fun!! I played til about 12.. then I packed it in and chilled out at marc's til 3am.. til Ellen came and picked me up.. thanks Ellen!! \m/..she bartends at Doolys so she was just getting off work..but I appreciated it regardless!!

Saturday morning I was up at ready to play at Sobeys.. but the weather ppl claimed it had a 40% chance of rain I didnt go.. and sure enough.. it rained alot that day. So I spent the entire day here at out.. things that I neglect way too often these days. Last night I only went out for about an hour or so.. with Jason and his gf Christine.. had a good time tho!!

Now today is sunday and ive been up since 7am.. which isnt bad.. it was a nice morning..but I can see the rain clouds coming.. what a SHITTY week weather wise hahaha..damn you rain!!!

Im gonna be spending the rest of today around the house.. try to get some important shit organized and then maybe i'll be social tonight.. we'll see.. anyway..just stopping in to stay in touch.. thanks to you all for stopping by..and thanks for your support!!! \m/


Friday, August 11, 2006

Never Surrender!!! \m/


Well today was ok for the first half.. but then the rain came :S ..ahh well.. I had lunch at Greens and had a chance to clean my drums up.. and also chatted with alot of ppl always!!

Just wanna let everyone know i'll be jamming tonight at Doolys in chatham.. so come one, come all!!


Cant Win Em All !!!

Hey Folks!!

Well this week has so far been super slow. I played wednesday from 10-4 and made about $10 bucks.. which I ended up "lending" to a guy downtown for some medications(no really..he had surgery on his elbow) that sucked.. and then yesterday it rained I didnt get to play at all.. ahh well I guess.

So I spent most of the day cleaning.. then I went to matty's to hang out til around 9ish.. from there.. I went and hung out with Bruce,Marc,Matt,Brad,Marc over in chatham.. it was a great time.. and thanks to Ray..I made it home haha

So thats about it folks.. now im off to smash on water st for the day.. come on out and say hi!!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What a GREAT day!!

Hey everyone!!

Today is going soooooooooooo well for me!! I started today by doing my duties etc.. and then came online. When I got online.. I opened up some amazingly heart-felt emails. From there.. I was chatting with Tim know.. only the WORLDS FASTEST DRUMMER!!!!!!!!!! hahahah!!! Tim is hooking me up with so much information.. I love this guy!!(as a not gay..sorry boyz haahah) ...during my chat with Tim.. I was given some MUCH appreciated effort from a woman..a friend.. that I love with all my heart.. so she's truly got my heart going.. shes honestly the only woman who makes my heart race with romance.. anyway.

The biggest news musically I have is ...I GOT THE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GOING TO LA!!!!!!!!!! I have to thank Kevin MacDonald once again..for being SO amazingly supportive..thanks for believing in me KEVIN!!!!!!!!!! I will give 100%!!! So Ive got the e-tickets all confirmed now.. so up next is hotel accomidations/food/namm pass!! ..Im gonna call Tim at Millbank Music today and see what he says.. wish me luck everyone!!

Im now off to clean house and work out abit.. im just FLYING!!! HIGH ON LIFE!!!!!!!!!



Monday, August 07, 2006


Hey everyone!!!!

HUGE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of yesterday.. I've now got my RETURN flight tickets to California arranged!!! I'm going to NAMM in 2007 to attempt to become the next WFD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!

I'll explain what happened.

Yesterday.. I woke up at 9am at my buddy Jay & Ava's place to a phone call from Corey Fowlie. He's like "Mike man.. ya gotta play the beer gardens today man!!" I'm totally asleep and I'm like.." no way man..I'm taking today off.." haha.. and then he says " ya but man.. Kevin MacDonald is offering to give you a return flight to California if you come play for them this afternoon!!!" of course.. I LEAP at the chance and that's what I did.

So now im definately going to NAMM.. so wish me luck..and stay tuned!!


Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hey everyone!!

Here ive uploaded the (2) news articles that ive had.. hope you like em!! (dont mind the "faster" mistake.. its Miramichi remember?! haha!!)

Yesterday I played for about 2 hours on Water St before I got rained out... sucked but what I did to make up for it.. was I went out to Doolys in chatham and jammed with some friends of mine.. had a blast too!! Thanks boyz!!

Today I played at Sobeys in Douglastown and had a great time!! I played til about 4:00pm and then came home to have supper etc. Tonight im off to have coffee with some friends of mine who are home visiting from Halifax.. from there I have to work a shift for my father.. boooooooooo!! haha oh well.. he needs the favour..and lord knows they do enough for me.. so i'll suffer it out.

Thanks again to everyone for the support!! and stay in touch!!


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Smile For The Camera!!!

Hey Everyone!!

Here are some pictures of me smashin it up on the street!!! Im joined by a few great friends.. Paul in the blue.. Rodney is in the grey.. hey guys!!!

Hope you all like the pics.. ive been having a BLAST doing this.. what a GREAT "job"!!!

News from today is.. Ive landed another endorsement with a local diner!!! "Greens Catering" is now providing me with meals/drinks anytime I play on Water St.!!!! Thanks Steve!!!!

I'll be out again tommorow.. so stop by and watch me attempt to break some world records!!!


Tuesday, August 01, 2006


*flips up collar* Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Hey everyone!!

So Monday wasnt a good day for street smashin.. Paul is closed on Monday but I didnt know. I went over to Sobeys to talk with Joey..about me buskin for the other Sobeys store in Miramichi.. but he wasnt around...and hasent returned my call yet. We'll see what happens tho...they've been very supportive!!

I had supper with my mom and my aunt Steph...but had to duck out early to make a 5:30pm appt I had made with Tim from Millbank Music.. but he wasnt there!! ..grrr.. its ok tho. I took the rest of the night off and went out with Ed for coffee.. had a blast too!!

Today is tuesday and I just finished playing all day. I played from about 10:30am til 5:00pm ..which is a good days worth imo. I called Tim about an hour ago..and he's agreeing to me doing a DRUM CLINIC at his store!!.. this will be the FIRST drum clinic ive ever wish me luck!! Also!! he says he has just landed a PAISTE distrobuter!!!!!!!! so this means I will have to chance to discuss a PAISTE ENDORESMENT!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Not only that ..he sells TAMA too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Los Cabos/Tama/Paiste = YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
Tim also sells Los Cabos sticks.. so im hoping to make it official threw them!!!

Now im just finishing my supper..and im off to go have coffee with Ed/Bruce.. so stay tuned and stay in touch..

